20.09.2020 – 31.12.2020

2020 was an intense time that was used by many different activists and freedom-fighters. We were trying to support them – we came to an end of the year that we started with 2020 open call: reconstruction of life
With over 100 of women are showing their faces in support of human rights& justice in Poland. And above all: in support of freedom of choice.
Thank you for being with us in a 2nd year of existence of One Night Public Gallery. See you in 2021.

Support those who need it most:
jestemlgbt #lgbtqequality LUDZIE sign by Noks Collective

#highlightbelarus Rituals I, II by Tasha Arlova

#strajkkobiet #twarzeprotestu Women rights protests in Poland

Before this virus, humanity was already threatened with suffocation. If war there must be, it cannot so much be against a specific virus as against everything that condemns the majority of humankind to a premature cessation of breathing, everything that fundamentally attacks the respiratory tract, everything that, in the long reign of capitalism, has constrained entire segments of the world population, entire races, to a difficult, panting breath and life of oppression (…) not only is it the right of every member of humankind, but of all life.
The universal right to breath, Achille Mbembe